Quantum Mechanics
Instructor: 張明哲
Textbook: Principles of Quantum Mechanics, by R. Shankar
References: Modern Quantum Mechanics, by J.J. Sakurai; 量子力學, 曾謹嚴著
Grading: homework (20%); mid-term exam (40%), final exam (40%)
Teaching Assistant: 黃超群
Order of presentation (actual presentation mixes Shankar with
First semester
Chap 1 Mathematical introduction <<
A brief review of vector space, matrices, and operators
Chap 2 Review of classical Mechanics (skip)
Chap 3 All is not well with classical mechanics
Chap 4 The postulates <<
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics
Spin system (the simplest quantum system) as an example
Chap 9 The Heisenberg uncertainty relations
The basic limit on the precision of physical measurement
Chap 5 Simple problems in one dimension
A brief review of one-dimensional systems
Chap 6 The classical limit (skip)
Chap 7 The harmonic oscillator
Introducing creation/annihilation operators
Chap 8 Path integral formulation of quantum theory
Introducing Feynman's important work
Chap10 Systems with N degrees of freedom
A brief introduction to many-body systems
Chap11 Symmetries and their consequences
Second semester
The theory of angular momentum |
Chap 11 Symmetries and their consequences
Space translation, time evolution, parity transformation
Chap 12 Rotation invariance and angular momentum
Angular momentum operator L
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of angular momentum
Unitary operator for finite-rotation
Chap 13 The hydrogen atom (skip)
Chap 14 Spin
Two-component spinor
Rotation of spinor
Dynamics of spinor, ESR
Chap 15 Addition of angular momentum
Addition of spins
Addition of orbital angular momentum and spin
Clebsch-Gordon coefficient
The methods of approximation |
Chap 16 The variational and WKB methods
The variational method (skip)
The WKB approximation
Chap 17 Time-independent perturbation theory
Non-degenerate case
Degenerate case
Chap 18 Time-dependent perturbation theory
Sudden perturbation
Adiabatic perturbation, the Berry phase
Periodic perturbation
Chap 19 Scattering theory
The Born approximation
Method of partial waves
Inelastic scattering
Summer vacation!