Prof. Ruey-Hong Chen


1.Peter Trucano and Ruey Chen," Structure of Graphite by Neutron Diffraction",
       Nature,  V.258, 136-137,  (1975). (SCI)

2.Chen R.H. ,Trucano P. and Steward R.F., "The Valence-Charge Density of Graphite", Acta
      Cryst.,V. A33, 823-828, (1977). (SCI)

3.Chen R.H. and Trucano P., "Comparisons of Atomic Thermal Motions for Graphite at 300 K
       Based on X-ray, Neutron, and Phonon-Spectrum Data", Acta Cryst., V. A34, 979-981, (1978). (SCI)

4.Chen R.H., "Valence Charge Transfer in Cubic BN Crystal by X-ray Diffraction", Journal
      of the Chinese Chemical Society, V.28, 197-201, (1981). (SCI)

5.Lur Water and Chen R.H. ,"X-ray Polarization Ratio of Graphite Crystal Monochromator",
      Chinese Journal of Physics, V. 23, 166-170, (1985). (SCI)

6.Yu J.T., Tsai S.F., and Chen R.H., "Detection of Twinning in KNaSO4 Crystals by Electron
        Paramagnetic Resonance and by X-ray Diffraction", Physical Review B, V.38, 11147-11155,
        (1988). (SCI)

7.Chen R.H. and Wu R.T., " An X-ray Diffraction Study of Structural Phase Transition of
         Lithium Potassium Sulphate", J of Physics: Condensed Matter, V.1, 6913-6920, (1989). (SCI)

8.Chen R.H. ,Yang S.C., and Wang L.M., "X-ray Diffraction Studies of Twinning In KNaSO4
    and K3Na(SO4)2 Crystals", J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, V.52, 859-864, (1991). (SCI)

9.Chen R.H., Wang L.M., and Yang S.C., "X-ray Study on the Phase Transitions in
    Triammonium Hydrogen Disulfate Crystals and Deuterated Crystals", Phase Transitions,
     V.37, 141-147, (1992). (SCI)

10.Chen R.H. and Chen S.C., "Low-Temperature Structural Phase Transitions of
   (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 Crystals Studied by the X-ray Diffraction", Phase Transitions , V.40,
   95-102, (1992).(SCI)

11.Chen T.M. and Chen R.H. , "High Temperature Structural Phase Transition in K2SO4 and
    K2SeO4 Crystals Studied by X-Ray Diffraction", J. of Solid State Chemistry. V. 111,
    338-342, (1994). (SCI)

12.Chen R.H. ,Chen S.C., and Chen T.M., "High Temperature Structral Phase Transition in
     Na3H(SO4)2 Crystal", Phase Transitions, V.53, 15-22, (1995).(SCI)

13.Chen R.H. ,Chang C.T., and Chen T.M., "Optical Studies of Ferroelastic Phase Transition
     and Domain Structures in K3Na(SeO4)2 Crystals", J. of Physics and Chemistry of
    Solids.V.57, 25-33, (1996). (SCI)


                                       (above: figures  from my publication No. 13)


14.Chen R.H.and Wang Ren-June, "Studies on Structural Phase Transition and Ferroelastic
    Domain in K2SO4 Crystal", Phase Transitions,V.62, 199-207, (1997). (SCI)

15.Fukami T., Ninomiya H., and Chen R.H.,"Crystal Structure and A New phase Transition of
    (ND4)3D(SO4)2 in High Temperature Phase", Solid State Ionics,V.98, No.1-2, 105-111,
    (1997).  (SCI)

16.Chen R.H. and Chen T.M., "Studies of Ferroelastic Domain Structures in (NH4)3H(SO4)2,
    K3H(SO4)2 and Rb3H(SeO4)2 Crystals", J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, V.58,
    161-171, (1997). (SCI)

17.Chen R.H. and Chen T.M., "Studies on Domain Structures and Structural Phase Transition of
    (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 Crystal", Phase Transitions, V.60, 39-57, (1997). (SCI)

18.T. Fukami and Chen R.H., "Crystal Structures in Phase I and II of (ND4)3D(SeO4)2 and Its
    Phase Transition", J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, V.58, 2113-2118, (1997). (SCI)


19.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, "Crystal Structure of K3Na(SeO4)2 at 340 K", Acta Phys.
    Polonica A,V.94,795-801, (1998). (SCI)

20.R.H. Chen, Wang Ren-June, Fukami T., and Shern C.S., "Studies of Ionic Conductivity and
    Structural Phase Transition of Na3H(SO4)2 Crystal", Solid State Ionics, V.110, 277-281,
    (1998). (SCI)

21.ShernC.S., Tu C.T., Tsay J.S., and R.H. Chen,"Magnetic Properties of Ni/Pt(111) Thin Film
    Studied by MOKE", The Chinese Journal of Physics, V.36, 106-113, (1998). (SCI)

22.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, "Structural Phase Transition and Crystal Structure of Na3H(SO4)2
    in the Low Temperature Phase", Ferroelectrics,V.211, 67-77, (1998). (SCI)

23.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, "Crystal Structure and Electrical Conductivity of LiN2H5SO4 at
    High Temperature", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, V.37, 925-929, (1998). (SCI)

24.R.H. Chen, Chen T.M., and Shern C.S., "Structural Phase Tansitions and Electrical
    Conductivity Studies of (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 Crystal ",  J . of Physcis and Chemistry of Solids,
    V.59,1009-1013, (1998). (SCI)

25.Shern C.S., Chen S.L., Tsay J.S., and R.H. Chen, "Stabilization of Co/Pt(111) against Surface
    Alloying By Ag Overlayers", Physical Review B. V.58,No.11, 7328-7332, (1998). (SCI)


26.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, "Refinement of Crystal Structures at Room Temperature and
    Structural Phase transitions for (NH4)4H2(SeO4)3 and (ND4)4D2(SeO4)4)3 Crystals", Phys.
   Stat. Sol. (b) V.214, 219-227, (1999). (SCI)

27.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, "Structural Phase Transitions and Crystal Structures for
    Na3D(SO4)2 Crystals at Room Temperature", Phys. Stat. Sol.(b) , V216, No. 2, 917-923,
     (1999). (SCI)

28.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, "Studies of Low-Temperature Structural Phase Transition for
    (NH4)4H2(SeO4)3 Crystal by DSC and ESR", Solid State Communication, V.112, 213-217,
    (1999). (SCI)

29.C.S. Shern, J.S. Tsay, H.Y.Her, Y.E. Wu, and R.H. Chen, "Response and Enhancement of
    Surface Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect for Co/Pt(111) Ultrathin Films and Surface Alloy ",
   Surface Science, V. 429, L497-L502, (1999). (SCI)


30.R.H. Chen, Ren-June Wang, T.M. Chen, and C.S. Shern, "Studies on Dielectric Properties  and
     Structural Phase Transition of K2SO4 Crystal", J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,
    V.61, 519-527,  (2000). (SCI)

31.R.H. Chen, T.M. Chen, and C.S. Shern,"Dielectric , Ionic Conductivity and Structural Phase Transitions Studies of (NH4)3H(SO4)2 Crystals", J. of Physics and Chemistry of
    Solids . V. 61, 1399-1406,  (2000). (SCI)

32.T. Fukami, N. Higa, and R.H. Chen, "Structural Study of   (NH4)4H2(SeO4)3 in The
     Low-Temperature Phase", Acta  Phys. Polonica A, V.97, 663-670,  (2000). (SCI)

33.T. Fukami , K. Horiuchi, and R.H. Chen, “Structural study of a new high-temperature phase
     in (ND4 ) 3D (SO4)2 “, Solid State Ionics, V. 131, 275-280,  (2000). (SCI)

34.Tsu-Yi Fu, T,F. Liu, C.W. Su, C.S. Shern, and  R.H. Chen, " Anomalous Behavior of LEED
    Beam Intensity During Anneling", Surface Science, V. 464, 211-216, (2000). (SCI)

                                               2001 ~

35.T. Fukami, and R.H. Chen, "Structural Phase Transition and Crystal Structure for
     (ND4)4D2(SeO4)3 at Low-Temperature", Acta  Phys. Pol. A100, 53-65, (2001).(SCI)

                                              2002 ~

36.R.H. Chen, R.Y. Chang, and C.S. Shern, " Dielectric and AC conductivity Investigations in K3H(SeO4)2 Single Crystal",
    J. of Physics and   Chemistry of Solids , V.63(11), 2069-2077, (2002).(SCI)

37.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen,"Analyses of Angular Variation of (NH4)3H(SeO4)2:SeO3- ESR Spectra", Ferroelectrics, V. 281, 41-51, (2002).(SCI)

38.R.H. Chen, C.S. Shern, and T. Fukami, "Frequency Dependence of AC Ionic Conductivity   and Dielectric Relaxation Studies in Na3H(SO4)2
   Single Crystal", J. of Physics and   Chemistry of Solids , V.62(2), 203-212,  (2002). (SCI)

39.Y.E. Wu,  C.W. Su,  F.C. Chen, C.S. Shern, and R.H. Chen, " Capping Effect in Magnetic
    Properties of Ag Ultra-thin Films on Co/Pt(111)" , J. Magn.  Magn.  Material , V. 239, 291-293,
  (2002). (SCI)

40.C.W. Su, H.Y. Ho, C.S. Shern, and R.H. Chen, " Structure Evolution of Ni Ultra Thin Films on Pt(111)", Surface Science,
  V. 499,  103-108, (2002). (SCI)


                                                 2003 ~

41.R.H. Chen, R.Y. Chang,  C.S. Shern, and T. Fukami, " Structural phase transition, Ionic conductivity, and dielectric  investigations in K3H(SO4)2 single
     crystal",  J. of Physics and   Chemistry of Solids, V.64(4), 553-563, (2003).(SCI)

42.C.W. Su, H.Y. Ho, C.S. Shern, and R.H. Chen, " Initial Growth and Coverage Determination of Ni Ultra Thin Films on Pt(111)", Thin Solid Films,
     425, 139-144, (2003). (SIC)

43.P.C. Yen, R.S. Chen, Y.S. Huang, C.T. Chia, R.H. Chen, and K.K. Tiong, , " The First-Order Raman Spectra of OsO2", J. Phys. : Condensed. Matter ,         15(9),  1487-1493, ( 2003). (SIC)

44.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, " Structural Phase Transition and Crystal Structure for A Highly Deuterated (ND4)3D(SeO4)2 Crystal" phys. stat. sol. (a), 199, No.3,   378-388,        (2003). (SCI)

45.C.W. Su, H.Y. Ho, C.S. Shern, and R.H. Chen, " Changes in The Magnetic Anisotropy of Co  Thin Films on Pt(111) Capped by Ag Overlayers", Chinese J. Phys.,
     41, 519-527, (2003). (SIC)

46.Fukami Takanori and Ruey-Hong Chen , " Refinement of Crystal Structure of  Na2SeO4 at Room Temperature" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, V.72, No. 12,3299-3300,  (2003). (SCI)

                                               2004 ~

47.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, " Studies on a New Rb3H9(PO4)2 Crystal",  Cryst. Res. Technol., 39, N0.2, 131-136, (2004). (SCI)

                                               2005 ~

48.R.H. Chen, Chen-Chieh Yen,  C.S. Shern, and T. Fukami, " Studies of high-temperature phase transition, electrical conductivity
     and dielectric relaxation in (NH4)H2(PO4) single crystal", J. Appl. Phys. 98, 044104-1 - 044104-7 92005, (2005).  (SCI)

                                              2006 ~

49.T. Fukami and R.H. Chen, " Structural study on a New Cs2S2(SO4)3 Crystal",   Cryst. Res. Technol.  41, No. 6, 611-614, (2006).(SCI)
50.Takano Fukami and Ruey-Hong Chen, "Crystal Structure and Transitions for Monoclinic KH2PO4 Crystal", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, V.75, No. 7, 074602-1 - 74602-5 (2006). (SCI)

51.H.Y. Ho, Y.J. Chen, C.W. Su, R.H. Chen, and C.S. Shern, "Layer Structure of Ultrathin Ag Films on Ni/Pt(111)", J. Vac Sci. Techno., A,
  1020-1023  (2006). (SCI)

52.H.Y. Ho, Y.J. Chen, R.H. Chen, and C.S. Shern, "Structural and magnetic properties of  Co/Pt(111) with Ni buffer layers",J. Appl. Phys., 99, 123914-1 - 123914-6 (2006). (SCI)

53.R.H. Chen, Chen-Chieh Yen,  C.S. Shern, and T. Fukami, " Impedance spectroscopy and dielectric analysis in KH2(PO4) single crystal", Solid State Ionics , 177, 2857-2864 (2006).  (SCI)

54.T. Fukami, S. Jin, and R.H. Chen, " Studies of structure, thermal, and electrical properties for Cs5H3(SO4)4 crystal", Ionics,  12(4-5), 257-262 (2006).  (SCI)


55.R.H. Chen, Li-Fang Chen, and Chih-Ta Chia, " Impedance spectroscopic studies on congruent LiNbO3 single crystal", J.  Phys.: Condens. Matter, 19, 086225-086234 (2007).  (SCI)

Other Publications

1. 張秋男,  陳瑞虹,  "戴維生與物質波",  物理教育 V.1, No.1, P.77-81, (1997).

2. 陳瑞虹,  李德輝, "微電腦在普物實驗上的應用---以光狹縫繞射實驗為例", 中華民國大學院校普通物理教學及實驗研討會 P. 1-9 (1986).

3. L.J. Lin, R. Chen, "The plotting of Laue X-ray diffraction pattern by computation", Bulletin of National Taiwan Normal Univ., No. 30,
   P.469-479 (1985).

4. 王瑜, 陳瑞虹,  "同步輻射講習會第六講講義 -- X-光繞射", 行政院同步輻射研究中心指導委員會, 同步輻射講習會籌備會, (1984).

5. 陳瑞虹, "X光偏極化測量 (The measurement of X-ray polarization)" , Proceeding of the crystallographic computing workshop, 國科會化學研究中心, 中研院化學研究所, Taipei, Taiwan  P. 191-205  (1981)
A twinned (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 crystal under the polarizing microscope at room temperature. (Figure 1 from my publication No. 17. See left.)
These research graphs from my PhD thesis are embodied in Michael O’Keeffe’s book.Structure and Bonding in Crystals Vol. 1, and B. K.Vainshtein’s Modern Chrystallography Vol. 2