National Taiwan Normal University

NTNU Physics Department

   黃仲仁                    Jung-Ren Huang

  • Updates:
Feb. 1, 2010: I started my job at NTNU physics department as an assistant professor.
  • Who am I?

Jung-Ren Huang
Contact information:

黃仲仁  博士
國立臺灣師範大學 物理學系

Jung-Ren Huang, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
National Taiwan Normal University
88, Sec.4, Ting-Chou Rd., Taipei 116, Taiwan

Email: or

My 2006 website (obsolete)
  • My Research Interests:   Soft Condensed Matter Physics, Soft Materials
  • My Publications:
* J.R. Rothenbuhler, J.-R. Huang, B.A. DiDonna, A.J. Levine, and T.G. Mason, “Mesoscale structure of diffusion-limited aggregates of colloidal rods and disks,” Soft Matter, 5, 3639, 2009.
* J.-R. Huang and T.G. Mason, “Deformation, Restructuring, and Unjamming of Concentrated Droplets in Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flows,” Soft Matter, 5, 2208, 2009.
* J.-R. Huang and T.G. Mason, “Shear oscillation light scattering of droplet deformation and reconfiguration in concentrated emulsions,” Europhys. Lett., 83, 28004, 2008.
* J.-R. Huang, “Theory of Myelin Coiling,” Eur. Phys. J. E, 19, 399, 2006.
* J.-R. Huang, L.-N. Zou, and T.A. Witten, “Confined Multilamellae Prefer Cylindrical Morphology: A Theory of Myelin Formation,” Eur. Phys. J. E, 18, 279, 2005.
* J.-R. Huang and T.A. Witten, “Universal Ratios of Characteristic Lengths in Semidilute Polymer Solutions,” Macromolecules, 35, 10225, 2002.

Website maintained by Jung-Ren Huang.