Hsien-chung Kao
Address: Department of Physics 
               National Taiwan Normal University 
               Taipei 11650, Taiwan 
Office:    Science Building, Rm. A208 
Telephone: +886-2-2934-6620 ext.154 
Fax:            +886-2-2932-6408 
E-mail:        hckao@phy.ntnu.edu.tw



Brief CV

Professor, 2002 - present, Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University  
Professor, 2000 - 2002, Department of Physics, Tamkang University
Associate Professor,  1996 - 2000, Department of Physics, Tamkang University 
Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994 - 1996, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Ph.D., 1989 - 1994, Department of Physics, Columbia University 
M. S., 1985 - 1987, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University 
B. S.,  1981 - 1985, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University 

Research Interests

Quantum Field Theory




String Theory 

Teaching (academic year 2002-03)

Classical Mechanics

Statistical Mechanics

General Physics

Classical Electrodynamics:  Grade

Mathematica:  Homework and examplesGradeFinal



Selected Recent Publications

  •       Hsien-chung Kao, "Self-Dual Yang-Mills Chern-Simons Higgs Systems with an N=3 Extended Supersymmetry," Phys. Rev. D50,  2881 (1994).

  •       Hsien-chung Kao, K. Lee, and T. Lee, "The Chern-Simons Coefficient in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Chern-Simons Theories," Phys. Lett. B373, 94 (1996).

  •     Hsien-chung Kao, S.-C. Lee, and W.-J. Tzeng, " Farey Tree and the Frenkel-Kontorova Model, " Phys. Rev. E55, 2628. (1997).

  •     Hsien-chung Kao, C.-H. Chang, and X.-G. Wen, "Binding Transition in Quantum Hall Edge States," Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5563 (1999).

  •       Hsien-chung Kao, "Mass Spectra of N=2 Supersymmetric SU(n) Chern-Simons Higgs Theories," Phys. Rev. D63, 045013. (2001).

  •       Pei-Ming Ho and Hsien-chung Kao, "Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics from Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory," Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 151602. (2002).

a complete list of publications can be found here.
